The only thing more costly than education is ignorance.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Institution Type: Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above

Federal Aid: Institution has a Program Participation Agreement with the US Department of Education for eligible students to receive Pell Grants and other federal aid (e.g., Direct Loans).

Degrees Offered: Master's, Bachelor's
Carnegie Classified: Master's Colleges and Universities I - These institutions typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the master's degree.

Undergrad Application Fee: $20.00

Year Prices: In-state:$16,554; Out-of-state:$16,554; Books and supplies:$600

Total Enrollment: 2571

Student Counts: Full-time, first-time undergraduate students:636, Percent full-time, first-time undergraduate:28.0, Percent full-time, first-time undergraduate receiving financial aid:75.0

One Trinity Place
San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200
210 999-7011

Rate Trinity University Professors